kinda busy for my part time jobs lately,will update and reply your msg late,but I will try my best to reply you be patient,or do sms me~=)


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Thursday, November 20, 2008

all this Necklace are sold in RM14 each ONLY!!!
what are you still waiting for??

# Bl N001

# BL N003*Yellow* # BL N004*babyPink* # BL N005 *Orange* # BL N006 Pink

# BL N007 *Purple*(SOLD) ; # BL N008 * Blue*

# BL N009(SOLD)
Publish Post

# BL N010(SOLD)

# BL N011 Red * Wooden*(SOLD)

# BL N012 *Green *Wooden*(SOLD)

# BL N013 Green*$*